Who We AreAfter many months of design, planning, and programming, we are thrilled to offer FindYourBashert.com to help Chabad singles find their match in a personal, private, respectful and efficient way.
Partnering with the developers of the very successful SawYouAtSinai.com, FindYourBashert.com fuses the traditional shidduch process with technology in a professional and personal system customized for Lubavitchers using only trained Lubavitch shadchanim (and un-shadchanim). |
Join the Global DatabaseSingles have nothing to lose and everything to gain by signing up now! Basic membership is free and includes entering your profile into the FindYourBashert worldwide database. Gold Membership includes a personal matchmaker for as little as $12.95/mo. Upon a successful match, shadchanus gelt shall be paid to the shadchan.
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