We are all holding the "Vision Boards" we created. They are an expression of our favorite things, as well as our hopes and goals for the future. This creative activity helps us to make a tangible compass for who we want to be, where we want to go and what we want to do. "Tracht gut vet zein gut--think good and it will be good!" Out of our hearts and minds come our visions for the good to come, captured on our beautiful vision boards. L'chaim!
1) Mrs. Yehudis Austin hosted the Stamford Hill Shidduch Group in her home on Wednesday evening, March 11. The Shidduch Group decorated "L'chaim plates" in hopes that by preparing for our l'chaims, we made tangible kaylim to "encourage" Hashem to hasten the simchas in store! We had a great time expressing our artistic talent and infusing our plates with hopes and wishes for the future. Fun and friendship were shared by all as we discussed with anticipation the upcoming simchas we'll surely be celebrating b'ezras Hashem. 2) The first night of Elana Bergovoy's exciting trip to London on Monday night, Mrs. Nechama Dina Cyprys hosted an evening for some very lovely post-seminary young ladies, called "Express Your Self." An extensive spread of delicacies and drinks was enjoyed by all, enhancing the upbeat mood of the evening. We toasted each other's good fortune with special Rebbe wine Mrs. Cyprys brought back from a special workshop on Shidduchim she just attended at the Kinus HaShluchos in Crown Heights.
We are all holding the "Vision Boards" we created. They are an expression of our favorite things, as well as our hopes and goals for the future. This creative activity helps us to make a tangible compass for who we want to be, where we want to go and what we want to do. "Tracht gut vet zein gut--think good and it will be good!" Out of our hearts and minds come our visions for the good to come, captured on our beautiful vision boards. L'chaim!
This past Sunday night, Ohr l'25 Adar/March 15, the International Shidduch Group Network inaugurated its first Regional Shidduch Office. The LONDON SHIDDUCH OFFICE, located in the Bais Chana building in Stamford Hill, will serve as a point of contact for those seeking shidduchim in the United Kingdom. Our goal is to open regional offices throughout the world. This historical event was made possible with the haskama and bracha of Dayan Raskin and the enthusiastic support of Rabbi Nissan Dovid Dubov and Rabbi Shmuel Lew. The idea for the London Shidduch Office originated this past Elul during a discussion between Elana Bergovoy, Rahel Davidoff (head of N'Shei Chabad in London) and Rebbetzin Sudak, the widow of Rabbi Sudak, head shaliach of the UK. Mrs. Bergovoy suggested the need for an organized shidduch initiative, in coordination with the Shidduch Group Network, that can operate out of a central office to answer the need of Jewish singles in the greater London area. Mrs. Sudak., enthusiastic about the proposal, was instrumental in obtaining clearance for an office in the Bais Chana building to be allocated for this purpose. Many other community members have generously given of their time, effort, support and resources during the past six months, to make this timely idea a reality, culminating in the grand Open House celebration this past Sunday night. The London Shidduch Office will employ a part-time secretary. It will be accessible six days a week by email -- [email protected] -- and by phone. Further details will be forthcoming after Pesach. The primary focus and goal at first will be to invite singles to register with the Office and meet with staff shadchanim who will then work on their behalf to facilitate shidduchim. The London Shidduch Office is an outgrowth of the local London Shidduch groups, which have been actively meeting during the past two years. Mrs. Sukie Rubin and Mrs. Miriam Moses, founders of the London groups, have been instrumental in guiding the groups to meet regularly to learn the Rebbe's directives for shidduchim and put them into practice, give tzedakah Hachnossas Kallah, daven and say Tehillim for one another, and network for shidduchim. Since a city-wide shidduch event in Elul, there have been many simchas celebrated in London and Manchester amongst the members of the Shidduch Groups. Incidentally, Mrs. Rubin and Mrs. Moses both recently celebrated the weddings of their daughters within a week of one another! The London Shidduch Office will be directed by a volunteer steering committee, comprised of local community members. Classes and programs dealing with the topics of dating, engagement, marriage and married life, based on halacha and Chabad minhagim, will be offered. We invite participation and suggestions to enable this invaluable resource to succeed in its mission: Getting our singles to the Chuppah together! Your involvement by giving time, resources and money, will not only help this initiative flourish and grow, you will be helping yourself and others as well. So, DONATE NOW: shidduchgroupnetwork.com/donate. |
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July 2017