The Los Angeles Shidduch Network hosted Labish and Elana Bergovoy at a meeting on Thursday evening, April 23, at Bais Levi Yitchok shul. Men and women from the LA community came to hear an update on news from the International Shidduch Group Network from Elana, as well as a shiur titled "Emunah: Parting the Red Sea" given by
Judge Bergovoy. The shiur was followed by a Q&A session. Labish shared stories of faith and trust in Hashem, culled from his experiences as a Chassidic Jewish lawyer and judge. He then encouraged all present to take part in the Shidduch Group Network and similarly have complete emunah that Hashem will bring everyone's shidduch.
Thanks to Miriam Feiner, Debbie Fine and Shoshana Bracha Plotke for organizing the meeting, and to all who participated. Great to see everyone, and hope to share more good news soon!