The group members decorated beautiful drinking cups for their daughters to use at their Chassunahs!!
![]() Toronto Shidduch Group met on 11 Teves/December 22 at the home of Rachel Wasserman. The group members decorated beautiful drinking cups for their daughters to use at their Chassunahs!!
Rebbetzin Devorah Alevsky welcomed ladies of the Cleveland community to a Shidduch Group gathering at her home on Monday, Dec. 21. Guest speaker Elana Bergovoy spoke about her recent trip to Israel and explained how the Shidduch Group Network guides singles successfully to the chuppah. Mrs. Alevsky and a dedicated committee of women are planning an event in memory of Mrs. Miriam Brudno, who recently passed away, and who ran the Cleveland Mazel Tov Fund for many years. The Fund helps locals who need assistance to make a wedding and set up their homes. We look forward to hearing details about this event and other future activities of the Cleveland Shidduch Group!
Shimonit Van Der Veen hosted a beautiful Chanukah farbrengen with the Katamon Shidduch Group on the fourth night of Chanukah. The theme was "Connect 4 Shidduchim: The 4 Ways We Connect to Bring Our Mazel." L'chaims were made and blessings given to all singles present that they should soon meet their soulmates. Elana Bergovoy told Rebbe stories illustrating the Rebbe's involvement in shidduchim. Future Katamon Shidduch Group meetings are in the planning stage. Chag sameach & a freilichen Chanukah!
A group of more than 40 women celebrated Chanukah on Wednesday, the third day of Chanukah, at the Ohr Chaya Women's Learning Institute in Yerushalyim, with a day-long seminar.
Elana Bergovoy spoke on "The Recipe for Success with Shudduchim." "When we follow the Rebbe's directives for shidduchim, we bring the Rebbe into our Shidduch search. And when we attach ourselves to the Rebbe, he is with us every step of the way!" Elana told the crowd. "We are all going to get to the chuppah TOGETHER, " she said. "The Mazel is in the groups in our Network!" A resolution was made to strengthen and grow the Shidduch Groups in the Jerusalem area and elsewhere in Israel. Several Shadchanim who attended the program exchanged information in order to collaborate on matchmaking going forward. The gathering concluded with dancing in anticipation of the simchas to come B'ezras Hashem! The Chicago Shidduch Group held their annual Chanukah Melave Malka this past Saturday, December 5, at the home of Aryeh Leib and Rachelle Benjamin. Many Chicago families were represented at the event, which boasted the best turnout since the Shidduch Group began this tradition.
Rabbi Shea Hecht addressed the attendees, speaking honestly on topics not often discussed. He was introduced by Levi Bukiet with a Rebbe story. Local shadchan Rabbi Moishe Raitman gave a Dvar Torah and organized a MadLibs word game. Yale Zimmerman provided musical accompaniment on the piano, playing beautiful niggunim as people arrived. YASAHAR KOACH TO EVERYONE WHO WORKED TOGETHER TO HELP MAKE A MEMORABLE EVENT, especially to Rachelle, Menucha and Rochel. A freilichen Chanukah to all--chag sameach mamash!!!!!!!!!!!!! Smadar Strauss, left, hosted the Chicago Shidduch Group in her beautiful garden for a networking meeting in honor of Tu B 'Av. Elana Bergovoy, right, and others learned how to make delicious sushi and also enjoyed fresh fruit salad "al fresco."
Fraida Nathan, LCSW, CADC, ICDVP, was the featured speaker on the topic: "Emotionally Intelligent Marriage: Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work" (based on John Gottman's groundbreaking research). On July 30, the London Shidduch Group celebrated Tu B 'Av with a challah bake! Thanks to Yehudit Austin & Miriam Moses for organizing.
Twenty-five women turned out at the Bortunks' home in Miami Beach last night, July 21,
for a meeting hosted by Shayna Bortunk and Toby Weic. After a Dvar Torah from Rabbi Mendy Bergovoy, a profile-sharing session took place. Rabbi Mendy, the "Shidduch Rabbi," also shared news of the upcoming Mega Shidduch Event, a Singles Mixer, to take place at The Shul of Bal Harbor on Tu B'Av, July 30. For more info and to register, please go to our Events Page on this site! This successful event happened Monday night in LA! Floral Centerpieces were created & then given to the latest simcha happening in the LA group, the chassunah of Miriam Feiner's daughter, Bracha.
Money from the event was donated to the local Gemach for simcha centerpieces. Yashar koach to Debbie Fine and the ladies of the LA Shidduch Group for another successful program. May we hear good news from LA very soon! Bs'd
The Johannesburg Shidduch Group met for the first time on Sunday night, June 14, at the home of Shlucha Shterna Wineberg. Guest speaker Frumma Rosenberg Gottlieb, veteran shadchan and founder of the Miami Shidduch Group, inspired the group with stories of successful shidduchim she has been involved with. She spoke about having emunah and bitachon in Hashem She reminded everyone that even though we each do our hishtadlus, He makes the matches! And just as each child develops at different rates of growth, and matures and reaches stages at his/her own pace, so, too, each person meets her/her bashert at the right time. Frumma strongly encouraged the ladies to continue meeting together on a regular basis to learn the Rebbe's directives for shidduchim, give tzedokah Hachnossas Kallah, and network for shidduchim. They will then be able to reach out to the worldwide Shidduch Group Network by means of Teleconferences and Conferences, to enable their singles to "meet up" with others outside of South Africa. Thanks to Shterna Wineberg for graciously hosting the beautiful gathering, to Frumma for speaking and to Barbara Lang for being the group liaison to the Shidduch Group network. Yashar koach and may we hear much good news soon from South Africa! ![]() Bs"d The Miami Chapter met on Tuesday, May 19; Yashar Koach to Rita Steiner and hostess Aliza Zigelbom for a lovely gathering! The meeting featured Rabbi Haber from Brazil, who spoke about his "specialty": Shidduchim for singles ages 30 and over. Rabbi Haber's talk was followed by profile presentations. Approximately 15 women attended. ![]() Mrs. Judy Kanar of the brand new Golders Green (London) Shidduch Group hosted the London Shidduch Groups at her home on Thursday, May 14, featuring guest speaker Moshe Raichman, founder and CEO of chabadmatch.com and shluchimmatch.com. All those in attendance gained an understanding of how these websites work and can be successfully used as effective tools to network for shidduchim. A similar gathering featuring Rabbi Raichman was hosted on May 10 in Chicago at the home of Mrs. Menucha Gershon. ![]() Bs"d The Los Angeles Shidduch Network hosted Labish and Elana Bergovoy at a meeting on Thursday evening, April 23, at Bais Levi Yitchok shul. Men and women from the LA community came to hear an update on news from the International Shidduch Group Network from Elana, as well as a shiur titled "Emunah: Parting the Red Sea" given by Judge Bergovoy. The shiur was followed by a Q&A session. Labish shared stories of faith and trust in Hashem, culled from his experiences as a Chassidic Jewish lawyer and judge. He then encouraged all present to take part in the Shidduch Group Network and similarly have complete emunah that Hashem will bring everyone's shidduch. Thanks to Miriam Feiner, Debbie Fine and Shoshana Bracha Plotke for organizing the meeting, and to all who participated. Great to see everyone, and hope to share more good news soon!
From left: Rebbetzin Chani Lipskar of Chabad of Bal Harbor; hostess, Rita Steiner; kallah Mishala; chassan Chaim Shacham; and Rabbi Menachem Bergovoy
1) Mrs. Yehudis Austin hosted the Stamford Hill Shidduch Group in her home on Wednesday evening, March 11. The Shidduch Group decorated "L'chaim plates" in hopes that by preparing for our l'chaims, we made tangible kaylim to "encourage" Hashem to hasten the simchas in store! We had a great time expressing our artistic talent and infusing our plates with hopes and wishes for the future. Fun and friendship were shared by all as we discussed with anticipation the upcoming simchas we'll surely be celebrating b'ezras Hashem. 2) The first night of Elana Bergovoy's exciting trip to London on Monday night, Mrs. Nechama Dina Cyprys hosted an evening for some very lovely post-seminary young ladies, called "Express Your Self." An extensive spread of delicacies and drinks was enjoyed by all, enhancing the upbeat mood of the evening. We toasted each other's good fortune with special Rebbe wine Mrs. Cyprys brought back from a special workshop on Shidduchim she just attended at the Kinus HaShluchos in Crown Heights.
We are all holding the "Vision Boards" we created. They are an expression of our favorite things, as well as our hopes and goals for the future. This creative activity helps us to make a tangible compass for who we want to be, where we want to go and what we want to do. "Tracht gut vet zein gut--think good and it will be good!" Out of our hearts and minds come our visions for the good to come, captured on our beautiful vision boards. L'chaim! ![]() The Chicago Shidduch Group had their big winter event Sunday night, February 15, at the home of Mrs. Rachel Benjamin! As part of the program, Rabbi Meir Chai Benhiyoun gave an inspiring talk on the topic of Bashert: Finders Keepers. He mentioned that every person has a dimension in his or her soul of "beshertness", which has the potential to give. After the talk Mrs. Benjamin led the ladies in a hands-on demonstration of a full course, Asian-themed Sheva Brachos meal. Together, the learning and experience generated a lot of inspiration and enthusiasm for the group! |
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