Mazel Tov!!
2014 was a year of growth and successful "firsts" for our International Shidduch Group Network! Through the power of our network, we celebrated over sixty engagements!! See our website! Each one is the beginning of a Jewish home built on the foundation of Torah and mitzvot.
Every day we receive urgent emails and phone calls from singles, their parents and shadchanim around the globe asking for help. We're a small non-profit and survive on donations. All of the work carried out by the Shidduch Group Network is possible due to the support and backing of committed people such as yourself. You represent the people who enable us to exist and have become an equal partner in all the mitzvot that we perform on a daily basis.
Let us know that our work is valuable to you. Please support us with an end-of-year tax deductible donation. With a minimum tax exempt donation of $54 you will receive a complimentary copy of Rabbi Leibel Groner’s words of wisdom on shidduchim in our first Navigating Shidduchim booklet.
2014 Milestones
- Received our tax exempt 501(C)3 status retroactive to November 19, 2013
- Published our first booklet in the Navigating Shidduchim series - Pesach Sheni 5774 Rabbi Leibel Groner
- Expanded our global Chapters to over forty and launched the UK Chapters in London, Manchester and Wimbledon
- Launched our Facebook page and expanded our online presence at www.shidduchgroupnetwork.com to include a Blog, Engagements and Mazel Tov Stories
- Hosted 200 attendees at our second Annual Shidduch Conference in Crown Heights 200 Women Talk Shidduchim
- Provided teleconference training with the collaboration of leaders including Rabbi Leibel Groner, Rabbi Nissan Dovid Dubov and Mrs. Esther Friedman
- Hosted monthly international teleconferences, shared profiles and made shidduchim
- COLlive, N'shei Chabad and the Jewish Press covered our events, we had a workshop at the Kinus HaShluchos in January and at the N'shei Chabad Convention in December.
To meet the needs of our growing network, more professional services are required including web developers, technology, travel, shipping/mailing, printing, design, videography, and administrative staff.
Please help us make shidduchim!
- As little as 18 cents per day or $6 per month will offset day-to-day website and teleconference expenses
- $18 per month will allow us to expand our website functionality
- A one-time donation of $2500 to develop a professional training video for Chapter leaders
- A one-time donation of $3000 to publish the next booklet in the Navigating Shidduchim series
- A one-time donation of $5000 to establish a compilation of best practices based upon Torah and the teachings of the Rebbe
- $10,000 will allow us to work with shadchanim to establish a professional in-take service for those seeking shidduchim, including protocols and standards of practice for all involved
May we all share good news!
Elana Bergovoy and Dvora Schulman
Shidduch Group Network